Saturday, February 19, 2011

Impromtu Bible Study

This past week at work was pretty stressful with so many people being out for whatever reason. So not only have I been trying to do all my work, but others’ as well.

This past Thursday, I was all alone in the office all day. This meant I was taking all the calls and handling people that walked in the door while trying to get stuff done. I had been at meeting for part of the morning, so I was eager to get to work and make up for the time I had lost.

Not 10 minutes after I got to my office, a person came in to say “hi” and I ended up getting a two hour bible study!

At first, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I figured it would take 15 minutes, so I let the person talk. The next thing I know the person was acting out a scene from the bible, line for line. And not only one scene, but many. There was jumping and hand raising, facial expression, yelling, acting out death scenes and even crawling on the ground at one point.

I am a Christian, but I was starting to get uncomfortable and all I could think about was how I was missing out on work time. This had never happened to me before and although there are many Christians where I came from, this is not a common practice. I kept trying to think of a way to get the person out of my office, but the more passionate the person got, the more I didn’t have the heart to do it.

When the person finally left, they said, “I love you.”

After, I wanted to tell everyone about this strange encounter, but my original intention was so I could get a laugh out of people about how crazy this place is, but after thinking about it for a couple of days, I’ve decided that this was actually a pretty cool experience.

Where else are people be so openly passionate about the Lord? This town, most definitely. And for someone to “love me” after hardly knowing me sounds a little creepy, but it’s nice to know someone around here does. So I’ve changed my mind; my time wasn’t wasted at all. I may be working on a Saturday, but the price is small.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"The Love of My Life" a.k.a. Pie ♥

The picture above does not do this pie justice; it was a quick snapshot while I was coming up for air during the "scarf down". I had to take a moment to tell the world… or my few followers about this amazing pie a.k.a. “The Love of My Life.”

I love chocolate and sweets, but I’m usually not a pie person. Pie tends to be complicated and messy with its flakey crusts and filling. It takes to long to get it into my mouth. I like cake and cookies and such, it’s easier to consume. However, this pie… its crust stays together and the filling is so rich and creamy, almost like a mousse.

This pie can make me forget that the town is on fire for the few minutes that it takes me to consume it. (It’s only a few minutes because I basically devour it.) When I eat this pie, it’s like being filled with God’s love. When this pie is cut, the clouds part, the sun shines, birds sing and babies smile. Yes. It’s that good.

It’s just one of the few things that I love so much about this little town.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I ♥ Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine’s Day! Maybe it is because I’ve had a valentine every year since I was in middle school. But even alone, I still love Valentine’s Day.

I had to make a trip to Wal-mart to buy some paint for my painting I’m working on. As I was walking around, I saw all these rugged, country and small-town men (and women) looking for cards, candy and other gifts for their lovers. It made me smile. It makes me smile knowing that all these people have someone to love.

This Valentine’s Day, I am sitting alone eating a mixture of chocolates I bought myself and caramel corn sent to me by my parents, while reading a Cosmopolitan and cuddling in the giant blanket given to me by my long distance lover.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The SNOtorious B.I.G.

It snowed yesterday. I know people have mixed feeling about hearing the details, but I’m going to tell you my story anyway. This snow is a BIG deal in small-townsville. I’m not sure why because it supposedly snowed for three days last year, but I guess there is nothing else to do around here. Everyone had been talking about the snow for literally one whole week and I’m sure they will for much after. Co-workers, neighbors, store owners and strangers were all talking to me about snow. It’s all anyone could think about. Anytime there were snow flurries, everyone would charge outside to try and capture them, but the town was waiting for the snOMG coming on Friday, February 4, 2011.

On Thursday night, I got a text from my boss around 11:00pm saying that it had started to snow. I didn’t care, and let me tell you why. I HATE BEING COLD. I’ve been freezing this whole week because of my stupid house. I just stayed in bed.

Awhile back I wrote about how I wasn’t going to turn the heaters on in my house… well I had to give in. My fish, Paul, died from freezing to death in his bowl (this was confirmed by a fish specialist) and I didn’t want the same fate to happen to me. So I turned the heater on. The heater is having a hard time warming up my house during the past month, but this week was especially ridiculous. I have the heater set for 70 and it’s only been 54 degrees in my house this week with the heater constantly running. I can’t WAIT to get that electric bill. :)

My snow day started when I woke up at 6:45am to get ready for work. I discovered a text from my boss that said we didn’t have to go into work that day because they shut down the city due to snow. So I walked through my freezing house and looked out the window. There it was… fresh, untouched snow. I’ve seen snow before, but I’ve never taken advantage of it (mostly because I don’t care much for snow or being cold).

I put on warm clothes and headed out in the snow for a fun snow day.

BUT my snow day turned into a snow hour. Turns out… I really don’t like the snow.
The first thing I did was go into the middle of the street and carve out L ♥ D in the street out of snow. I just shuffled around in my rain boots to get the job done. I needed to take a picture so I could capture my masterpiece, but it was too large for my camera phone. I went back inside to grab a step ladder to get some height and when I came back… someone had drove over it. Disappointment #1.

Then my mom asked me if I was going to go sledding down the hill in the park that is close to my house. I said, “No, I think I’m too old for that,” but after I got off the phone with her I decided that I need to go sledding once in my life. I went to look for anything that would be sled worthy. The only thing I could find in my house was the top to a storage container. I grabbed it and walked two blocks in the cold to get to the park with the hill. When I got there it was magnificent! All the fresh, untouched snow made me so excited. I got on my sled and pushed myself down the hill. I made it about 5 feet and then came to a stop. I tried again and again and got about the same distance each time. I gave up. Disappointment #2.

I walked home and decided that I was going to make a snowman out of all the snow in my drive way. It was going to be a smaller one because my hands were cold, but a snowman none the less. I made a good base and then I started to make the second ball of my three tiered snowman. I couldn’t do it. First, I tried making it on the ground, but when I would pick it up it would crumble. Then, I tried starting with a small ball on the base and then adding to the ball to make it bigger. That didn’t work either; I gave up. Disappointment #3.

I was tired of all the disappointment, so I went back inside. My romp in the snow lasted all of an hour. This day confirms it; I really don’t like the snow. I could care less. (Later, I found out from my dad, a northerner, that the snow needs to be a little slushy so it will stick together in order to go sledding and to make snowman. My mom told me the same thing... who knew.)

After that, my snow day consisted of me cleaning my closet…

Filing all my bills from the last three or four months….

And trying to have a fun girls’ night with drinks and a movie... Unfortunately, literally the whole city was shut down due to the snow. The only place open was Wal-mart. So we grabbed the bull by the horns and had social hour at the local Wal-mart. There isn’t much to do anyway, but our options narrowed from 5 options to 1 due to one inch of snow that melted by off the roads by noon. Thank you, Wal-mart, for making a memorable evening during the SNOtorious B.I.G.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Small Town Christmas

Here is a view of my Christmas Holiday, here in Smalls-ville!

Santa wanted me to sit on his lap... the picture was "on him".

This is the tree the City made a big deal about lighting, there was a parade and everything. I don't get it, but the citizens were excited about the white-lights-only Christmas tree.

Christmas Card Photo Ops!

Building in a hole: -----------------------------The oppressed:

The way out of town: --------------------- My friends... Dirty South Mafia:

The social network:-----------------------Space heater... the love of my life:

Christmas decorations and crafts!

My very first Christmas tree. I wanted something non-traditional but I love green, so I bought a metallic green Christmas tree. It's a little lop-sided. LOVE IT.

The wreath I made at a floral class... love the bird.

The Christmas ornaments I made at the floral class.

AND of course, my Christmas shirt tradition! I'm just glad he puts up with me. :)


Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy for HP!

There are a few perks to living here! Aside from meeting a famous person this summer at a local event, I had something really awesome (by my standards) happen to me yesterday.


Let me first start my story by explaining how much of a geek I am when it comes to Harry Potter. I’ve grown up with the guy. I started reading the books when I was in the sixth grade and finished the last one when it came out my sophomore year of college. I’ve seen every movie opening day (thanks to a tradition started by my dad) and didn’t plan on ever missing one.

This time was going to be the first time I wouldn’t see a Happy Potter movie at its midnight showing. No one that I know here really cares about Harry Potter. They don’t get the warm and fuzzy feeling I get when I hear any mention of Harry Potter. I kept talking about it and trying to find someone to go with me, but no one really wanted to stay up late to watch me geek out over a movie they could care less about.

My good fortune began when I attended the ribbon cutting for the remodeling of the local movie theatre. I saw that the theatre was having a midnight showing and decided to see if there were tickets still available and go by myself. I asked about the tickets; there were two left. This theatre only takes cash, so I told them I was going to the ATM after the ribbon cutting and I would be back to get them. Suddenly, the owner comes out of nowhere and says, “We are doing a screening of the movie at 2:30pm to make sure it runs correctly before tonight if you just want to stay and watch it with us.” BOY DID I! I got so excited, I was cheesing hardcore. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

I immediately text my boss with, “They are allowing us to see the first screening of Harry Potter if we like. Please say I can stay! Please, please, pleeeeeeaaase!?” I didn’t get a response for a while and I was starting to get worried as the clock counted down to 2:30pm, but she finally called and said, “I know how much this would mean to you, so it’s okay with me.”

The owner, as a goodwill gesture, invited all those who attended the ribbon cutting to the Harry Potter screening as well, but I’m the only one who stayed. (This town really doesn’t like Harry Potter, I guess.) I was in the theatre all by myself; my own private screening. It was awesome. PLUS, I got free soda and popcorn!

In the end, I didn't get to see the movie at the midnight showing. The movie was great and I’m still gushing over the experience, today.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's fricken freezing in here, Mr. Bigglesworth!

It’s getting cold here in Tiny-Townville and I’ve gone into hibernation mode for the winter. I packed up my stuff and moved into one room (my bear den) and have been performing daily tasks in there, such as, primping, microwaving meals and sleeping. Why have I moved all my stuff into one room for the winter? Because that is where my space heater is.

I am refusing to turn my heater on due to a nasty rumor I was told by my neighbor. They said that their electric bill was $600 two months in a row last winter. This seems ridiculous, but after asking others who live in historic homes, such as I, it turns out they have suffered the financial hardships of winter heating. Here are the reasons given to me as to why the bill would be so high:

1) It is an electric heater and costs more money than a gas heater. (And no, I will not be replacing the electric heater with a gas one for this rats’ nest, since I am not the owner.)
2) This OLD house is poorly insulated.
3) The air ducts are in the ceiling of my house… and heat rises… therefore, the heat doesn’t reach the lower habitable part of my house (you know, where the food, bed and TV are), making it inhabitable.

Since I live in the same house as these neighbors, I assume that I will meet the same billing fate if I chose to turn the heater on. My lack of wealth has caused me to forgo the luxury of heat.

My situation makes me wonder what the rest of the people living in historic homes are doing? Have they switched from electric to gas? Are they just going without heat as well? Or are they suffering the financial burden of their high priced electric bill in order to not lose the tip of their nose to frost bite?

I’ve tried moving the space heater to other parts of the house, but the other rooms are just too big with too high of ceilings for the heat to circulate through the room properly and make it warm. When I brave the living room for a half hour to watch a DVR’d show, I have to huddle in front of the space heater to avoid hypothermia. If I walk anywhere not carpeted without shoes, my toes go numb. It’s only 54 degrees out, so what am I going to do when the temperature drops into the 30s? (BTW... I think it's cold when it is 70 degrees out.)

On the bright side, my electric bill was only $49 last month. I guess I can use the extra money to buy more blankets… or an extra space heater.